How to Sell Websites For Giant Sums of Money: Everything You Need to Know

Selling websites is a potentially very lucrative way to make money online if you know how it’s done and as someone who is an expert on that topic, I’m going to share with you everything you need to know about it here including how to take a website worth $10 and turn it into a potential sale of $100, $1000 or even more (case studies coming up).

To start, my name is Vitaliy and I’m someone who makes profitable websites for a living. I also have a lot of experience in many other fields of online business, including selling websites.

Here’s what I’ll be showing you in this post:

  1. What website selling works.
  2. How much you can make from selling websites (real examples).
  3. How is a website’s selling value is determined.
  4. How to get started with selling websites if you don’t have a website to sell (or are totally new).

If at any point on this post you have questions, you’re welcome to comment below and ask.

How website selling works:

Selling websites is pretty self explanatory. You buy a site, and then down the line sell it on auction websites like or

However, most websites’s selling value is very low and there’s way to 10x, 100x and even 1,000x it’s value to turn a cheap website into a profitable sell that could literally buy you a house and that’s referred to as website flipping which is buying a website for very low prices, flipping it and selling it for higher prices.

How website flipping works (example):

  1. You buy a website (normally for under $20).
  2. You raise it’s value 10x, 100x, 1,000x (you do that by getting it many visitors and having it make money).
  3. When the time comes, you sell the website on places like,, etc… for $2,000, $20,000 and even $200,000 if you want (it can even go higher in some circumstances).

How much you can make from properly selling websites? Real examples:

The following is case studies of people who have successfully flipped and sold their websites from essentially being worth $0 to the numbers you see below. They also used a special course I’ll talk about in a moment which helped them do this properly:

How is a website’s sale value determined? The simple formula:

A website’s monthly earnings X 24 months = How much you can sell it for.

For example: If a website makes $10,000 a month, it can be sold for at least $240,000 ($10,000 X 24 months).

Here’s one of my personal examples (a real site that was worth $0, now potentially being worth $120,000):

The following is site I run on nature travel:

How much can this website sell for? While the last 30 days earned it $4,586.50, let’s keep it simple and estimate that this website is earning $5,000 a month, and then multiply it by the 24 month rule:

$5,000 X 24 months = $120,000 value for my nature website if I decided to sell it.

I personally choose not to do that yet as I like the passive income it’s generating me, and I keep growing it’s value to have it potentially sell for even higher value down the line.

How to get started with website selling (If you don’t have a website to sell or are totally new to it):

If you’re totally new to this or have never made a website to sell in your life, that’s totally OK because most people are in that spot when they hear about this business.

The best way to start if you’re in that spot and become a profitable website seller is to use a program that teaches you how to properly do this, specifically:

  1. How to make websites for little.
  2. How to raise their value.
  3. How to sell it down the line for 10x, 100x or even more.

In my opinion there is no better course that teaches this than Wealthy Affiliate, where it just so happens the case studies you saw above got their website selling results from.

What Wealthy Affiliate is and how it teaches you to sell websites:

Wealthy Affiliate is an online business training program that helps people create profitable websites on any topic they love in life and then if they choose to, sell it down the line. The training in the program is encapsulated into these 4 steps:

  • Step 1: Choose an interest.
  • Step 2: Create a website (which WA helps you do).
  • Step 3: Drive traffic to the website.
  • Step 4: Earn revenue.
  • Step 5 (optional): Sell the website once it’s profitable enough which as you saw above, members of the program do (very successfully).
  • Step 6 (optional): Rinse and repeat (make new websites, grow their value, sell it down the line).

In short you learn to build websites on topics you love from scratch, grow their value by having them get visitors, make money and ultimately raise it’s selling value if you choose to do that down the line.

I put the last 2 steps as optional because a lot of people choose to keep their websites earning money because they prefer that type of passive income. There are others who choose to focus on selling the websites they make. The point is Wealthy Affiliate gives you the flexibility to do either.

More quick info about Wealthy Affiliate:

  • 2.6+ million members.
  • 4.9 out of 5 star rating on places like Trustpilot.
  • It has more success stories than any other online business program.
  • High number of successful website flips came from the training there (as you saw above).
  • Very beginner friendly program.
  • It’s free to join (no credit card required to check things out).

Here are more Wealthy Affiliate success stories making profitable websites:

Want to learn how to do this too? Try the Wealthy Affiliate program:

You can try it for free. The free membership comes with a 5 lesson starter course to help you begin making a website on a passion you have in life, equipped with the tools and help you need to make it happen. While building a website that can eventually be turned into a very profitable sale takes time and hard work, this program will show you the right way to do it.

Here’s how to join:

  1. Sign up here for free (no credit card required).
  2. Watch the welcome video from Kyle (one of the main teachers in Wealthy Affiliate).
  3. Start the training (5 lessons).

This is an introductory course and later on there is an upgraded membership available for $49/month you can try to get even more tools, training and benefits, but you can start for free, see if you like the program/community and then decide if you want to stick around or not!

In any case, thanks for checking out this page and if you have any questions on flipping websites or Wealthy Affiliate, let me know below!

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