How to Succeed With High Ticket Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

Last year I earned over $100,000 in affiliate commissions and about 20% of those earnings came from high ticket sales ($20,000+) which range from $130 to $720 per commission.

I know a lot about this topic and want to share my knowledge on it with you in this article.

High ticket affiliate marketing is a double edged sword where on hand it can indeed make you a lot of money, but on the other if you’re new and not careful, you may end up losing a lot of time, or wose a lot of money attemping to succeed in it.

I want to help you avoid that and do this correctly so let’s get into this:

What is high ticket affiliate marketing?

High ticket affiliate marketing is simply the process of promoting super expensive items and earning big commissions on it. I like to break down affiliate commissions into 3 categories:

  • Low ticket affiliate marketing: $1-$10 per sale
  • Medium ticket affiliate marketing: $30-$99 per sale
  • High ticket affiliate marketing: $100-$1,000+ per sale

Obviously most people who look at those numbers want to make high ticket affiliate sales, but there’s circumstances where it’s better (and more profitable) to focus on the medium and low ticket offers too which I’ll get into later. I’ve personally made countless affiliate sales in all 3 categories.

What are the best high ticket niches to get involved in?

The “best” choice in my experience is based on YOUR personal interest. It’s just easier to sell the more expensive affiliate items when you love the product/topic as it’s easier to pitch why it’s worth getting.

I’ve included some of my own recent high ticket sales here but I’ll give you a general list of niches I have found to be good for this.

This is not a top 10 list or anything like that because the truth is there’s tons of opportunities out there:

  • DSLR cameras
  • Gaming laptops
  • Drones
  • Kayaks
  • Mountain bikes
  • Fitness equipment
  • Furniture
  • High end watches (smart watches, scuba diving watches)
  • Portable saunas
  • Legit make money online programs (Wealthy Affiliate, details below)

The following topics/niches have tons of products available to promote whose prices range in the $100s to $1000s and even more and considering the affiliate commissions for most of them are about 3% or more, even at that low rate you are still looking at juicy commissions. You can join programs such as Amazon Associates and individual affiliate networks that allow you to promote these.

What you need to know before you start promoting high ticket items:

1) The first thing you need to know is that very often you can’t just go to a site, choose a high ticket offer and promote it.

2) You will need to go through a sign up process with an affiliate network which has the item/s you wish to promote and get their approval before you can do that. In order to get the approval you will need to show that you have an actual affiliate site or YouTube channel that gets visitors/views.

3) Another thing (and warning) to be aware of is that there are many shady/scams out there most notably in the make money online niche where you have courses/programs that cost people $1,000s and even $10,000s which you can promote and get incredibly high ticket commissions for (typically 50%) so a $1,000 offer would net you $500 commissions per sale. 

BUT in addition to the course being overpriced (which I am against), they will also require you to join/buy their highest ticket packages in order for you to be allowed to promote them and very often go into debt doing so. Be very careful with this stuff as I’ve met tons of people over the years who have lost everything with these “opportunities”. I do not endorse people promoting stuff like this and advise against it.

Getting started with high ticket affiliate marketing (how to do it correctly):

I’ve used numerous strategies to promote high ticket items and here are my top choices:

  1. Blogging: You create a blog focused on a niche you love and promote high ticket items there via writing reviews on them (beginner friendly/cheap).
  2. YouTube: Make videos reviewing your high ticket product/s and leave an affiliate link in the description for people to click on it (beginner/cheap).
  3. Paid ads: You create ads on places like Google/Bing Ads and drive traffic to a landing page where you promote your high ticket item (advanced/expensive).
  4. Email list: You use blogging/paid ads to drive visitors to a site which collects emails, they sign up and you send them emails to convince them to buy the high ticket product (advanced/expensive).

Each of these methods comes with it’s own pros/cons (time needed to see results, learning curves, up front costs, etc…) but if you’re a beginner and tight on money, you’ll want to stick to the first 2 methods and as you get experience/earnings, then you can expand into the next 2 methods (that’s how I did it).

My 4 personal tips for succeeding with high ticket affiliate marketing:

1) It is not a get rich quick scheme: In my experience high ticket affiliate marketing can be very lucrative but it’s important to understand that it takes time, work and experience to succeed at it (and with affiliate marketing in general).

There are a lot of shady people out there who will push you into buying expensive make money online courses like I talked about above and pitch the whole “Make 5 sales, earn $5000/month easy” crap and in reality maybe 1% of people will actually see those results. The other 99% will lose it.

I don’t want you to go into this business thinking that you can do very little work and make tons of money because you “only” have to make a few sales. That type of mindset leads to failure (I speak from experience).

2) Don’t just stick to promoting high ticket items: You can make tons more sales (albeit for less commissions) but it balances out and I’ve made more overall from low-medium ticket sales than high ticket ones (less people spend big money than vise versa).

3) Promote stuff you actually love (not to be mistaken with how much it pays you). Like I said before, promoting stuff you love makes the process easier. The most amount of money/sales I made were from promoting products (low-high ticket) which I genuinely LOVED and believe in. Don’t try to fake your way to success, be authentic!

4) Use a program that teaches this stuff correctly (and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg): Succeeding with high ticket affiliate marketing in my experience is way easier when you have good training, tools and especially help. You can certainly do this on your own but the learning curve and the tons of crap info out there puts a lag on the time it takes to succeed.

Where I recommend getting legit affiliate marketing training (you can even start for free):

I have reviewed 100s of make money online programs over the past 17 years and for me the one program that took me from a beginner affiliate to where I am today is Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s an all in one program that teaches people how to build affiliate businesses in any passions they have and promote low-high ticket items too and additionally:

  • They are free to try (you can join here)
  • They are beginner friendly
  • They provide excellent training, tools and guidance
  • Have more success stories than any other program
  • They teach more than just affiliate marketing
  • High Trustpilot reviews (4.9 out of 5 stars, 500+ reviews)
  • They also provide their own lucrative affiliate program (low-high ticket commissions that reach $300+ per sale)
  • This is not some overpriced, low quality make money online course. It’s a legit program that you can learn immense things from, for very little.

Within this program you learn how to succeed at affiliate marketing through 4 specific steps:

  1. Choose a niche
  2. Build a website (they provide you with one)
  3. Get traffic (paid ads, blogging, etc…)
  4. Earn money (affiliate marketing + other methods)

Bottom line: You don’t have to invest crazy money with Wealthy Affiliate (or in general to succeed online). It’s free to try and only $49/month (or for the best membership, $99/month) if you decide to stick around. One of the many fallacies I often run into is that because a program is expensive, it means it’s worth it. Perhaps that’s true in rare cases but with Wealthy Affiliate you get immense value and you can actually try it for free to see that.

How to get started with Wealthy Affiliate:

  1. Join here (its free)
  2. Complete the Hubs set up process (5 steps) which has you create your first passion based website.
  3. Start your training (8 lesson course)

The value of the Wealthy Affiliate (WA) speaks for itself and if you have any doubt (which is totally normal), test drive them risk free by trying out the Starter Membership first (no credit card required).

I am an affiliate for this program but I don’t want you to upgrade unless you really like this program and want to go further which is why above all else I recommend that you first:

  • Try the Starter Membership (it’s risk free).
  • Immerse yourself in the program so you get the most out of it.
  • I also provide personal help/coaching inside the program (I’ll reach out to you once you get started).
  • If you enjoy the program and want to go further, then you can upgrade if you want 🙂

Wealthy Affiliate works, but it is also not a get rich quick scheme.

It will teach you how to build a REAL affiliate business of your dreams and if you apply the training they have and work hard, you will become one of it’s MANY success stories.

And frankly speaking, I want to see you do just that. As your coach, one of my goals is to see just that and I’ll help you along your journey there too). I hope this post helped you better understand the subject of high ticket affiliate marketing and if you have any questions, you’re welcome to fire away below!


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