Entre Institute Review – Is it Legit or a Total Scam?

I joined Entre Institute (but ended up leaving) and in this review am going to explain what you need to know before you try it, including:

  1. If it’s really a scam or if it’s legitimate.
  2. How it really works.
  3. The pros and cons.
  4. How much you can expect to spend if you buy it.
  5. And if there’s better alternatives (in my opinion, there is a BETTER option, but more on that later).

The quick overview:

  • Name: Entre Institute.
  • Owner: Jeff Lerner.
  • Pricing: $39, $3,997 and possibly $10,000+ according to several sources.
  • What do you learn? 3 types of online businesses: Affiliate marketing, digital agencies and making eCourses.
  • Is it a scam? No, but I was personally very unhappy, there are mixed reviews and the prices are too high in my opinion.
  • Rating: 35 out of 100 points.

Do I recommend Entre Institute? No:

I do believe Entre Institute can teach you to make money online, but there are several problems in my opinion:

  1. My experiences were very poor with the program (details below).
  2. Costs of this program can rise into the $1,000s and even $10,000s according to several sources.
  3. The reviews are mixed (details below).

Bottom line: I joined Entre Institute as someone who already makes money online and in my opinion there are way better alternatives to this program that aren’t just WAY cheaper, but also teach similar type of material and more.

Better alternatives? Yes (More info on that below).

Back to the Entre Institute review:

Summary of the program:

Entre Institute is a multi layered program that teaches you to make money online through 3 different methods:

  1. Affiliate marketing (promoting other people’s products).
  2. Digital agencies (helping businesses advertise online).
  3. Making eCourses (finding a niche you love, making a course and selling it).

To get started with Entre and this training, you have several options:

  • A $39 intro program (which I tried). You get access to 6 steps that introduce you to the 3 business models.
  • A $3,997 pitch at the end of the 6 steps known as the Entre Digital Bundle (full training access):

Additional upsells after (according to sources):

I’ve also had at least 1 person share (who joined the $3,997 Entre Digital Course) tell me there are more upsells and one can reach $60,000:


  1. There are success stories in the program.
  2. It teaches 3 legit online business models (I have experience with it).
  3. Decent help/support provided.
  4. Trustpilot rating is high (4.8 out of 5 stars with 1,000+ reviews).


  1. The $39 membership I tried was a very poor experience.
  2. Costs are too high in my opinion ($3,997 and $10,000+). Source 1, source 2.
  3. You can learn these same business models for much less (info below).
  4. There’s mixed reviews on Jeff Lerner (source).
  5. There’s already a lot of alternatives to Fullstaq Marketer that are better and teach the same/more stuff than it does (and cheaper to try), like Wealthy Affiliate.

My final thoughts on Entre Institute and why I left:

There are 3 main reasons I left the Entre Institute program:

  1. Poor value in the $39 program in my opinion.
  2. I refuse to pay $3,997 to learn the “real stuff”.
  3. The calls/texts/emails I was bombarded drove me crazy (I think it’s pushy, spammy and doesn’t give me enough space to decide for myself). Here’s an example:

In my opinion, Entre Institute can teach you to succeed online, but only if you pay at least $3,997 to join and in my opinion that is not worth it. Even if we look at Entre as objectively as possible, here are the main things that stand out to me:

  1. The program can get extremely expensive at over $10,000+ according to sources.
  2. As someone who makes a full time income online, I know you don’t need to spend this much to learn/succeed in this business.

Alternatives? Yep! Why the Wealthy Affiliate program is my top choice:

Wealthy Affiliate also teaches similar stuff as Entre Institute (affiliate marketing, digital agencies/local marketing and more) but their main focus is helping people make profitable websites on passions they have in life.

So if you love mountain biking for example, they’ll show you how to create a profitable website on mountain bikes (promoting them, putting ads on the site, etc…).

Everything I saw in Entre, I have already known about and made money from thanks to Wealthy Affiliate’s training. It’s why I know what Entre teaches works, but also why I know you can learn it in places like Wealthy Affiliate (which has way more for way less).

Here’s why it’s better than Entre Institute in my opinion:

  1. It’s free to join (no CC needed).
  2. It’s more beginner friendly.
  3. Better on YOUR wallet ($0 to try, then $49/month).
  4. No pushy sales stuff!
  5. WA’s free training is better than Entre’s $39 membership.
  6. More success stories than Entre Institute.
  7. High Trustpilot rating too (4.9 out of 5 stars, 500+ reviews).
  8. Excellent support and expert coaching.
  9. And there’s much more.

Bottom line: You don’t have to invest crazy money with Wealthy Affiliate (or in general to succeed online).

It’s free to test drive and only $49/month (or for the best membership, $99/month) if you decide to stick around. One of the many fallacies I often run into is that because a program is expensive, it means it’s worth it. Perhaps that’s true in certain cases, but with Wealthy Affiliate, you get immense value and you can actually try it for free to see that.

Wealthy Affiliate vs Entre Institute comparison:

My recommendation? Wealthy Affiliate (here’s how to get started):

  1. Join here (its free)
  2. Complete the set up process which has you create your first passion based website.
  3. Start your training

The value of the Wealthy Affiliate (WA) speaks for itself and if you have any doubt (which is totally normal), test drive them risk free (there’s literally no credit card required).

Here’s what you get when you try the program today (all included):

  • Access to the Starter Membership of Wealthy Affiliate.
  • Access to creating your first passion based website
  • A starter course
  • Coaching from me, Vitaliy (one of WA’s top experts).
  • And much more (join WA today and see it all for yourself).

The program does have 2 optional upgrades called Premium and Premium Plus after the Starter Membership that I do highly recommend, but more than that, I recommend you first:

  • Try the Starter Membership (it’s risk free).
  • Immerse yourself in the program so you get the most out of it.
  • Use my coaching! You can contact me directly inside WA.

Wealthy Affiliate works, but it is also not a get rich quick scheme.

It will teach you how to build a REAL online business of your dreams and if you apply the training they have and work hard, you will become one of it’s MANY success stories.

And frankly speaking, I want to see you do just that. As your coach, one of my goals is to see just hat and I’ll help you along your journey there too).

Thanks for reading my review of Entre Institute and if there are ANY questions about either program or mistakes that require corrections, feel free to mention them in the comments below!



22 thoughts on “Entre Institute Review – Is it Legit or a Total Scam?”

  1. Hi Vitaliy,
    This review has really opened my eyes. I was hours away from saying yes to this program. I talked to him this morning and didn’t think I could come up with the money then I actually did tonight. I text him and told him I came up with the money and I had some additional questions and watned to see the contract before proceeding. I still have not heard from him. When/if I do, I am rejecting the purchase.
    I am a single parent of a young son; I worked really hard to get the money they were asking ($4900 US I am in Canada which brings that to $6710.30 CAD, that’s crazy money) That is just not fair to be charging someone that much and charge someone else a different price. So, After I got the money I decided to do more research as I had a gut feeling I was missing something. The way you have broken this review out for your readers is exceptional and appreciated. I can feel the honesty from the way you express your onion in this review.
    I am interested in purchasing a program to get the knowledge I need to start an online business. I am green but tech savvy and a very quick learner. I have some questions I would like to ask you. If you are available is there somewhere I can send you my email to have a conversation to discuss Wealthy Affiliate Program further?

    Thank you for honest opinion and I hope we can chat further. Thank you kindly.

    • Hi Brittany, sure you can reach me at my contact page. You’re also welcome to ask me any questions here as well, but for private inquiries, the email option is best.

    • Do you mean for Wealthy Affiliate or Entre? If it’s Wealthy Affiliate, then it’s risk free to test drive ($0), and if you wish to upgrade, then it’s only $49 for the Premium and $99/month for Premium Plus.

  2. I would like to discuss more information with you if possible. You mentioned you are on Facebook, is it possible to PM you there?

  3. I purchased Jeff’s book, which honestly it has helped me get focused tremendously. I do owe that credit to him. As well as getting my mindset to be more success driven – he talks about the 3 P’s – Physical, Personal, and Professional, all leading to the 4th P – Purpose. I do not disagree with anything that he says. My experience with them has been positive and they haven’t seemed too pushy (at least not my advisor).

    HOWEVER, I do agree that the pricing is a bit ridiculous. As someone who is trying to figure this out, it does seem a lot of the knowledge and information provided is just to promote the higher end courses.

    I have ZERO experience in any of this, so I can’t speak on if the program works or not. Here, you are promoting Wealthy Affiliate and as it goes the typical thing is that if we promote one thing, we have to demote another thing. I guess my honest question is, do you 100% believe in this product/ course? I’m not saying the review you did was bad / good – this is just a separate question for those like myself and others, who are very interested and want more than filler and fluff. Thank you kindly for your answer!

    Best Regards,

    • Hi Corey to answer your last question first: Yes I believe in WA 100%. I have been there for 15 years and work online full time because of them. Can I guarantee the same results? Of course not, but they are in my opinion the best/most legitimate business for learning online business but you have to work at it.

      At the end of the day, the bottom line is this: You can try them risk free here and determine that for yourself. I’m not pushing any “buy now, limited time offer” stuff. I’m encouraging you to try this and make your own decision/comparisons.

      Regarding Entre, I’m not demoting them in order to push another program. To me at least that sounds like I’m saying one program is bad while the other is good. I’m just giving my personal opinion based on my experiences there (I know that’s not what you meant, just sharing my interpretation). In my opinion there’s too much buzz word marketing and hype vs real value and the latter is what I truly look to gauge if it’s good.

      I review many programs. Few are good. Most are bad and I can determine this because I have so much experience in this. This part isn’t in regards to Entre, but there’s programs out there that cost $10,000+ but are in my opinion not even worth $50 (yet they make it sound like they are worth $10k) and then there’s the opposite, programs where they cost $50 but offer you $10,000s in value and I believe WA is on the latter side of that.

      With Entre I just went through enough of the premiliminary/intro program to determine that it’s too expensive, not for me and did not provide anything close to what I consider valuable to get me to trust them to buy the expensive upsells (also something that you will never experience in Wealthy Affiliate). Because I’ve started, grew and now do this full time thanks to WA, I know you don’t need to spend so much.

      If you decide to try WA, I’d love to hear your comparison thoughts on it vs Entre. Thanks!

  4. Thanks so much for making this review!!!
    I’m 15 and looking to start forming my future and become successful I’ve always had a drive deep down inside me to own a business for myself. I was looking into multiple sources and one of them was Entre institute. In fact it was my #1 until now! I didn’t know wealthy affiliate existed and am very appreciative that I know now. I can’t wait to look into it and maybe even participate in it.

    • Hi Dawson thanks for your comment. So being 15 I would recommend you research this stuff first as you are very young and in many cases starting an online business this early is not possible until you are older. It’s great you’re thinking about this so early though and if you have any questions, feel free to let me know!

  5. Vitaliy, the premium upgrade you are referring to is the $49 per month program? I assume i will have to build web sites, does Wealthy Affiliate has it’s own software suite or i will have to get domains, hosting, autoresponders, etc from outside. Do you have folks who i can pay to do the techy stuff like building sites if i am stuck.

    • Hi Wayne:

      1) Yes the premium membership is $49/month. But I recommend you try WA for free first to see if you like it.

      2) For domains, there is an option to make a free site using their website generator called Siterubix, but you can buy a domain for $14.99 a year there too (which is recommended if you are running a long term online business). Hosting is included with domains (Premium members get 10 free hosting accounts, huge savings).

      3) Autoresponders are not included and are always separate with any program. When your website grows, you can decide if you wish to add an autoresponder.

      4) As for techy stuff, just about everything in WA’s training, including for applying it on your site is very beginner friendly. As long as you apply the training, you will be fine and if you do run into questions, there are numerous ways to get help/support including tech support to help you with any potential issue 🙂

  6. I would run away from this company. Far away.

    Feels like a scam. E-Mailed, texted and called over 30 times in less than 2 weeks. Even AFTER I told them I was on vacation and would contact them sometime later.

    Entre Institute feels like and acts like a scam situation. Do not waste your time.

    • Unfortunately my experiences with Entre Institute were very similar to yours Mark. Seems like nothing has changed. I still highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate instead of this because you don’t get that there, among the other plethora of benefits I mentioned above.

  7. Hi,

    I’m a bit slow learning things. After 7 days does everything shut down or is it still available to go back over things not fully understood? Need extra income because I can’t do fast food or DoorDash because I can’t climb stairs or move quickly. 75% of my income is lost because of this. Can’t afford to get into something that is going to take my money and not produce like it says. Hope you can understand where I’m at and can somehow help me make my income back. Thank you.

    • Hi Deborah, very sorry to hear about your situation. Wealthy Affiliate helps you build an online business and after 7 days, the only thing that goes away is the communication/coaching (unless you choose to upgrade). You are welcome to return to and go over the lessons for as long as you want that are available in the free starter membership.

      I just need to let you know that we teach you how to build a business and this is not some sort of side gig that happens quickly. It takes time and work, and I have to let you know this because a lot of people out there give unreasonable expectations and just flat out lie. Just being honest with you 🙂

  8. This sounds much more affordable and I could start with the affiliate program. I can’t afford the other and am not experienced enough.

    • Hi Donna, absolutely. You can try the Wealthy Affiliate program risk free and see what it has to offer before going further. There is a lot of flexibility and yes, it is VERY beginner friendly. It would be my pleasure to work with you there 🙂


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