How to Become a Successful Digital Nomad: Here’s How I do it

Hey everyone, name’s Vitaliy and I’m considered a “digital nomad” and in my case, I work remotely for myself, running an online business that earns me money while I get to travel anytime, anywhere basically. Here’s some of my income reports for that online business:

Now there’s a lot of misconceptions about the digital nomad lifestyle and since I have personal experience with this topic and have been doing it for years, I’d like to show you the following things:

  1. What a digital nomad is (there’s 2 types).
  2. My personal experiences living the digital nomad lifestyle.
  3. How much a digital nomad can make (examples).
  4. How I personally do it (in detail).
  5. How to become a successful digital nomad.

What is a digital nomad?

It’s just anyone who is able to travel and work remotely on those travels and there are actually 2 types of digital nomads:

  1. People who work for a company and get paid to travel and work from anywhere.
  2. People who work for themselves and get paid to work from anywhere.

As a digital nomad, you can work from anywhere you want (provided you have a laptop/phone and internet access) so it’s totally possible to work from the beach, a hotel room, on the road (from their car), etc…

My personal experiences living the digital nomad lifestyle:

I’m in the second category and as I said earlier, I run an online business that makes me money while I live this lifestyle (more details coming up). Now I didn’t just wake up and get this overnight, I worked (and still work) to grow and maintain this business so I can continue living that lifestyle but here is how that looks for me:

I mostly work from home, anytime I want on my laptop/phone, but I also get to choose my own hours and can freely travel whenever I wish and that’s exactly what I do many times throughout the year.

I am mostly interested in nature travel and it just so happens that part of my online business is a website (blog) that I run documenting the places I visit (and that actually makes me money, and I’ll explain how that works below) and here are just some of the places I’ve been to over the past few months:

All of these places I visited, while I was in the midst of an adventure, my online business was making me money. In fact, a little over a week ago, I returned from a 9 day road trip I did where I traveled throughout many mid west US states and saw incredible destinations, during which my online business generated me about $5,000 in new revenue.

During many of these travels, I would actively check my phone (or laptop when I would get into a hotel room at night) to check up on things to make sure my business is working well, while also gathering new ideas from my travels to keep growing it further.

That’s the kind of lifestyle I live and it’s something you can do as well if you know how (more on that shortly).

How much can a digital marketer make?

1) For the first type of digital nomad (the one who works for a company/person), it all depends on the salary you negotiate. Some digital marketers make anywhere from $30,000 a year to even six figure incomes depending on the job title they have and whatever that amount is, it affords them the luxury to choose how and where they wish to travel. There are also job titles which require you to travel to another country and have your living expenses paid for and it’s something many people do.

2) For the second type of digital nomad which I happen to be, in my case I run an entire business on the internet which consists of things like a website that gets me visitors and makes me money daily. In fact, here is an example of one of those sites, that nature travel site I mentioned earlier and a 30 day income report for it:


Side note: If you’re into nature travel and hiking, you’re welcome to check out this website and ask me any questions or get recommendations on this stuff (I love this topic!).

Now this is one of my several revenue streams my online business generates, but I am using this example because it is the one I am most passionate about and it also segue’s into how I recommend you become a digital nomad (if you choose to be one in the second category) which I’ll talk about in a moment.

How I run an online business that affords me the digital nomad lifestyle (details):

So far I’ve briefly explained that I run websites that get me visitors and earn me money, but how does all of that even work?

Well this is where I’m going to get into the details of that business, because the truth is pretty much anyone can do it like I do provided you have the right guidance, so let’s get into that:

I apply a 4 step process that takes any passion I have in life (in my case it’s nature travel) and turns it into a profitable website and here it is:

  1. Choose an interest.
  2. Make a website.
  3. Get visitors to the website.
  4. Earn revenue.

When applying these 4 steps on something like my passion, here is how it looks:

  1. Choose an interest (Nature travel).
  2. Make a website (My nature blog you saw above).
  3. Get visitors to the website (people find my site online, I get 1,000s visitors everyday).
  4. Earn revenue (my website runs ads and promote products for commissions, and earns about $30,000 a year currently).

This website works for me 24-7, while I’m sleeping, eating, living the digital nomad lifestyle and even while I am writing this right now. At the same time I am growing this website further to make even more because I LOVE the topic of nature travel and beauty is this…

Whatever YOUR passion/s are in life, you can also do this too.

Seriously, think about whatever type of topic you love in life (for example): Mountain bikes, gardening, martial arts, hiking, fitness, etc… you can literally create a profitable website on these (and tons more) topics and have it pay for your digital nomad lifestyle.

How to become a successful digital nomad (I can help you there):

If you’re looking to become the 1st type of digital nomad (working for someone else)…

Then the key is to find a position you know you’re good in and for a salary you know can afford you that lifestyle (Careerbuilder, are good places to start).

Often times, new digital nomads have to start at a smaller salary and build things up, so obviously the more skills/better resume you have, the better. Another option is to find digital nomad jobs in a specific country you wish to explore (that’s something a lot of people also do).

Another (easy) option is to Google: Digital nomad jobs and you will find positions for different places, occupations you can apply for.

If you’re looking to become the 2nd type of digital nomad (building an online business via a passion you have in life like I do)…

Then I can definitely help you do there since in addition to doing it myself, I also provide guidance and help to others seeking to do the same and here’s what I recommend:

The best way to do this is to get training from a program that provides 3 key things:

  1. Guidance (step by step training).
  2. Tools (websites and more).
  3. And help (from experts like myself).

On this very topic and it just so happens that there is such a program, and it happens to be the same program which taught me to do this for a living:

It’s called Wealthy Affiliate, a program that teaches people to create passion based online businesses (you can try them risk free):

Here are some of their many members who apply what Wealthy Affiliate teaches to succeed online (many live the digital nomad lifestyle, others apply what is taught to make a part-full time income too):

In fact, here is one of the many digital nomad’s inside the WA program (Eric):

Click here to try the program risk free and see even more success stories.

Details on Wealthy Affiliate:

  • It’s risk free to test drive, no CC required to start (you get a 5 lesson starter course).
  • It has over 2.5 million members (best support/help).
  • You are taught how to create profitable online businesses on a topic you love in life.
  • It’s very beginner friendly.
  • 4.9 out of 5 star rating on places like

You don’t have to invest crazy money with Wealthy Affiliate (or in general to succeed online). It’s free to test drive and there is an optional upgrade after to access all the training/tools/benefits, but you can get your feet wet with the program, see if you like it and want to stick around or not. Join them here and start today.

Bonus: How to get my expert help alongside your Wealthy Affiliate membership…

I’m one of Wealthy Affiliate’s most success members and my lifestyle today is thanks to the skills they gave me. I help other members, especially my referrals and if you join the program today, you’ll get my help included with your risk free membership. It’s simple:

  1. Join here (no CC required).
  2. Go through the welcome video.
  3. Start the training.
  4. I’ll contact you on your WA profile and you can fire any questions my way if you get stuck 🙂

Anyway thanks for visiting this site and I hope it’s helped answer your questions on the topic of being a digital nomad! If you have anymore of them, feel free to leave your comments/questions below!

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